pdficon.GIF (191 bytes) PUBLISH-iT and PUBLISH-iT PRO  ZDNet 5-star
Publish newsletters, brochures, journals, bulletins, catalogs, reports.

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NEW: PUBLISH-iT PRO will create PDF files for your newsletters, brochures, catalogs, reports, and publications. 

Why pay $120 for Microsoft Publisher and $215 for Adobe Acrobat (to generate PDF files) when you can get the same results with Publish-iT PRO for only $35. You just saved $300!

SalesPro.gif (5768 bytes)Need to create a newsletter, brochure, or other multipage publication? PUBLISH-iT is the full-featured Windows desktop-publishing program that combines the best features of graphics, word processing and desktop publishing packages together.

Flexible Publication capabilities.

Powerful Text capabilities for eye-catching announcements

Powerful Graphics Features:

Flexible Graphics File Features:

Picture (bitmap) Editing:

Documentation: Comprehensive on-line help, a tutorial,  templates and examples.

Supported Printers: Supports all windows-compatible black & white and color printers.

System Requirements: Supports Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / Vista.  There are no other special system requirements. Mac users: sorry, there is no Mac version.

Free Trial: You can download Publish-iT and try it for free for 21 days. PUBLISH-iT registration costs only $24, or $36 for Publish-iT PRO (with PDF support).  Registration removes all usage limitations and provides free support and upgrades for two years.

ZDNet 5-starAwards: Publish-iT has received the Ziff-Davis Shareware 5-star rating (the industry's highest rating), the TuCows 5-cow rating, and the America Online Desktop Publishing Top Picks rating.  Click here for independent reviews.

User Accolades:

Publish-iT PRO  and PDF users. After you register for Publish-iT PRO, you must download and install the Publish-iT PRO upgrade from here, or install it from our CD. The terms of licensing agreement for PDF support prohibit us from distributing PDF support to unregistered users.

For instant registration click here.